La aportación de Joan Coromines a la filología vasca

  • José Luis Álvarez Enparantza Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, UPV [Spain]


This text was read at the University of Vigo in November 1996 during the Vth International Galician-Portuguese Language Congress which was dedicated, symbolically, to the eminent Catalonian linguist Joan Coromines, who died a few weeks later. The text sets out, in a necessarily concise way, the capital importance of Coromines’ work in making known the Basque language which was spoken centuries ago in the Aragonese and Catalonian Pyrenees.


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How to Cite
Álvarez Enparantza, J. L. (1997). La aportación de Joan Coromines a la filología vasca. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (74), 85-91.