Azentu Bariazioa Gipuzkoan

  • Iñaki Gaminde UPV. EHU [Spain]


In this article, we present a study of variations founded on information contained in a list of 70 words collected from 50 villages in Guipúzcoa. Particular attention is placed on the accent in this study. The differences considered as the basis of the analysis are lexical variants, marked words, the accent and syllabic construction. The villages have been classified in terms of all these variables. Finally, the boundaries of the villages which are furthest away are shown.


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GAMINDE, I. eta HUALDE, J.I. (1995): “Euskal azentu-ereduen atlaserako: zenbait isoglosa.” Agertzeko in ASJU

HUALDE, J. I. (1995): “Análisis del sistema acentual de Ondarroa.” Eskuizkribua.

How to Cite
Gaminde, I. (1996). Azentu Bariazioa Gipuzkoan. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (73), 361-385.