Berriz ere euskal aditzaz

  • Josu Oregi [Spain]


In addition to the considerations argued in previous works, the aim of this work is to get an approach to the understanding of the present structure of the Basque verb through a thorough examination of its content.

In this sense, and correcting some of the conclusions already drawn, it can be stated that, at a first stage in the Basque conjugation, there are verbs with only one actant which declinative case (absolute, dative, ergative and even the genitive) would be determined by the nature of the action meant by the verb.

It can be stated that starting from this point of view, namely from a primitive conjugation with only one actant, it is more bound to be admitted than the fact that the present inflections would have derived as complex formas in which there already existed various actants.

Following the thesis put forward, the present verb inflections would have been formed through the «appropriation» by the primitive shapes of second or third actants. This would have been so after having lost the conscience of the primitive structure due as much to the natural evolution of the ideas as to external influences. In this primitive structure the nature of the action meant by the verb implies the relationship between the «subject» and the action and, therefore, the declinative case that referred to same.

The following sentence

«aitari hasarretu zaio» = To father it has got angry

(Father has got angry).

can serve as an example for actions like:

hasarretu: to get angry

beldurtu: to be afraid

erotu: to get mad ·

seem to require the use of dative for the subject. There are also alleged cases of verbs which, although they carry the subject inflections depending on the ergative, have required and still some require the dative.

Therefore, the «transitive/intransitive» and «subject-predicate» structures which derive from the classical languages and from the philosophy related to them are thus surpassed. In fact they do not allow any satisfactory explanation of some of the basque verb forms. Therefore and for basque ergative it could be suggested an explanation to be extended to further linguistic fields.


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How to Cite
Oregi, J. (1985). Berriz ere euskal aditzaz. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (46), 265-281.