La ermita de San Roque de Pamplona y su necrópolis [The hermitage of San Roque of Pamplona and its cemetery]

  • Alexandre Duró Cazorla [Spain]
  • M.ª Rosario Mateo Pérez [Spain]
Keywords: Pamplona, San Roque, cemetery, Napoleonic military dress, modern age, multiple burials


The archaeological emergency work carried out in Larraina street (Pamplona) allowed to document a necropolis with different levels of burial and differentiated depositional characteristics; individual, multiple burials and ossuaries. Remains of at least 68 individuals have been recorded, some of which are military. The chronology of the cemetery includes from 17 to 19 century.


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How to Cite
Duró Cazorla, A., & Mateo Pérez, M. R. (2016). La ermita de San Roque de Pamplona y su necrópolis [The hermitage of San Roque of Pamplona and its cemetery]. Trabajos De Arqueología Navarra, (27), 269-290. Retrieved from