¿Actividades franquistas en un refugio nazi?: Teyú Cuaré, Argentina [Francoist activities in a Nazi refuge? Teyú Cuaré, Argentina]

  • Daniel Schávelzon [Spain]
Keywords: Teyu Cuare, Misiones, Nazism, Franco, Fascism


In a probable place of refuge for criminals of the Second World War located on the border between Argentina and Paraguay and near the main house was a rectangular well surrounded by stones with evidence that had been opened and filled to save something, and then remove it. A Spanish belt of Franco’s army was left buried. It has been dated to 1945-1960. The site is attributed to regional Nazism although the reopening must have been associated with neo-Nazi events and Franco’s fascism.


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How to Cite
Schávelzon, D. (2018). ¿Actividades franquistas en un refugio nazi?: Teyú Cuaré, Argentina [Francoist activities in a Nazi refuge? Teyú Cuaré, Argentina]. Trabajos De Arqueología Navarra, (29), 203-222. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/TAN/article/view/176