Segunda campaña de excavaciones en el yacimiento arqueológico de Resa (Andosilla) [Second excavation campaign at the Resa archaeological site (Andosilla)]

  • Juantxo Agirre Mauleón Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi [Spain]
  • Aitor Pescador Medrano Historiador [Spain]
  • Carlos García Pardo Periodista [Spain]
Keywords: Resa, Andosilla, archaeological site, excavations, Aranzadi


During the excavation campaigns at the Resa archaeological site (Andosilla) in September and October 2019 carried out by the Aranzadi Science Society and a large group of volunteers from Andosilla and neighbouring localities, work continued in the area of the promontory where a high mediaeval press/vat appeared in 2018. Part of a large rectangular structure was also excavated in the same area. Work proceeded to detect and
define the line of the wall nearest to the press. Meanwhile, clearing work was carried out in the meadow area and, as a result, the remains of a late Roman Empire building were documented.


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How to Cite
Agirre Mauleón, J., Pescador Medrano, A., & García Pardo, C. (2021). Segunda campaña de excavaciones en el yacimiento arqueológico de Resa (Andosilla) [Second excavation campaign at the Resa archaeological site (Andosilla)]. Trabajos De Arqueología Navarra, (31 32), 201-206.