Castillo de Aixita (Etxeberri-Irurtzun). Campaña arqueológica de 2020 [The castle of Aixita (Etxeberri-Irurtzun). Archaeological season 2020]

  • Iñaki Sagredo Garde Gestión Cultural Larrate [Spain]
Keywords: Middle age, rock castle, consolidation, Dos Hermanas crag, tower of the homage


The archaeological intervention in the castilian rock castle of Aixita is presented, located in the crag of las dos Hermanas (Etxeberri). In this campaign three archaeological surveys and the consolidation of the tower of the homage, which was in bad condition and with few remains, have been accomplished. The surveys have allowed the study of an statigraphic sequence of the destruction and the abandonment. The dating has reported a chronology of construction of around XII century.


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How to Cite
Sagredo Garde, I. (2021). Castillo de Aixita (Etxeberri-Irurtzun). Campaña arqueológica de 2020 [The castle of Aixita (Etxeberri-Irurtzun). Archaeological season 2020]. Trabajos De Arqueología Navarra, (31 32), 215-222.