Proyecto de intervención en la cueva de Ostolo (Arantza, Navarra). Campañas de 2017-2020 [Archaeological research in Ostolo cave (Arantza, Navarre). 2017-2020 field seasons]
Ostolo was discovered in 2006, and after a survey carried out in 2015, we develop a research project since 2017 to analyze the physical conditions of the cave and study its archaeological record. The only entrance to Ostolo is a narrow spring, and inside, archaeological remains appear on surface upon a terrace. In the three sets that we have differentiated human remains and offerings are found, among which a wrist-guard and a V-shape button stand out. The date obtained is consistent with the materials and with the cave burials during the Bell-Beaker horizon. The next step will be to analyze this symbolic behavior and determine the access conditions to the cave in that time.