Intervención arqueológica y de restauración en el poblado de El Castillar de Mendavia. Campañas de 2017-2020 [The archaeological interventions and restoration of the settlement of El Castillar (Mendavia). 2017-2020 campaigns]

  • Leyre Arróniz Pamplona Ayuntamiento de Mendavia [Spain]
  • Héctor J. Fonseca de la Torre Universidad de Valladolid [Spain]
  • Daniel Pérez Legido Investigador independiente [Spain]
  • Clara Calvo Hernández Universidad de Cádiz [Spain]
  • Xavier Bayer Rodríguez Universidad Complutense de Madrid [Spain]
Keywords: Mendavia, El Castillar, Iron Age, Bronze Age, restoration


The settlement of El Castillar (Mendavia) was extensively excavated during the 1970s and 1980s, but after the last archaeological campaign in 1991, the lack of maintenance resulted in the abandonment of the settlement. In this paper the results of the archaeological and restoration campaigns of 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 are presented.


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How to Cite
Arróniz Pamplona, L., Fonseca de la Torre, H. J., Pérez Legido, D., Calvo Hernández, C., & Bayer Rodríguez, X. (2021). Intervención arqueológica y de restauración en el poblado de El Castillar de Mendavia. Campañas de 2017-2020 [The archaeological interventions and restoration of the settlement of El Castillar (Mendavia). 2017-2020 campaigns]. Trabajos De Arqueología Navarra, (31 32), 323-328.