Cerco de Artajona. Actuaciones en el frente norte en 2021 [Cerco de Artajona. Actions on the northern face in 2021]

  • Nicolás Zuazúa Wegener Gabinete Trama [Spain]
  • Carlos Zuza Astiz Gabinete Trama [Spain]
Keywords: Cerco de Artajona, best tower, bulwark, Middle Ages


We present the advances of the actions carried out in the area of the north front of the Cerco de Artajona, located between best towers 7 and 8. In the 2021 ́s campaign, the work consisted of cleaning, excavating and documenting a whole series of structures related to the reinforcement of the fences defenses in the surroundings of the existing access at that point.


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How to Cite
Zuazúa Wegener, N., & Zuza Astiz, C. (2022). Cerco de Artajona. Actuaciones en el frente norte en 2021 [Cerco de Artajona. Actions on the northern face in 2021]. Trabajos De Arqueología Navarra, (33), 131-138. https://doi.org/10.35462/TAN33.7