

  • I have read the submission requirements and declare that the article and its supplementary materials meet all of them.



Unpublished texts written in either of the two official languages of Navarre, Spanish or Basque, French or English may be submitted.

Only originals sent in digital format will be accepted. These may be sent to the following email address: cuadernosetnologia@navarra.es.

The deadline for the receipt of originals is 30 June of the current year. Originals submitted after this date will be considered for the next issue.

Submissions should include the following files:

1) The Article identification details document, available on the website: http://www.culturanavarra.es/uploads/files/identification.docx

2) The text of the article, also in Word or LibreOffice, indicating the locations at which the author considers that the images, tables and graphs should appear, together with their relevant captions, without inserting these elements in the text. The journal reserves the right to modify these locations in order to solve layout issues. The text must be anonymous. All references which may identify the author must be avoided.

3) A file for each of the images appearing in the text, duly identified by consecutive numbering. The same numbering should be used to mark their location in the text. Image files must be submitted in .tiff or .jpg format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. The sources of all images, both those created by the author and those obtained from external sources, must be stated. In the case of images obtained from external sources, their exact origin and proof of authorisation for their use must be given.

4) A single Excel file containing all the tables and graphs, each on a separate, consecutively numbered spreadsheet. The same numbering should be used to mark their location in the text.

Structure of the text

The article should follow a methodological order so as to contribute effectively to the processing of information in documentation centres, and UNESCO and ISO standards:

- Title, referring explicitly to the contents of the text and no longer than twelve words.

- Introduction, defining the subject under study, state of the art, objectives and information resources used.

- Body of the text, developing the main points of the article and containing the quotations and footnotes.

- Results and conclusions, reference list and, where appropriate, appendices.

The article should be headed with the title in the language in which it is written, and in Spanish, Basque and English in the same font as the rest of the article. Under no circumstances should this document contain the name of the author, which will be indicated in a separate document.

Each article must be preceded by an abstract in the language in which it is written, and in Spanish, Basque and English, which will consist of a summary of no more than 800 characters with spaces in a single paragraph, explaining the objective of the work, the methodology employed and, succinctly, the main conclusions reached.


The keywords (maximum of five) must also be listed in the same languages to facilitate identification of the article in databases.

Sub‐headings and chapter headings must be numbered with Arabic numerals. If the introduction is headed with a title, then this must also be numbered. Up to three levels of headings may be used.

Format of the text

The text of the article must conform to the following rules:

- The original should contain a maximum of 78,000 characters with spaces, including footnotes, tables, graphs, reference list and appendices, and not including the abstracts, keywords and titles in other languages.

- It must be written in Times New Roman, 12 pt, and be 1.5‐spaced.

- Single words written in other languages and terms used metalinguistically should be italicised. The titles of books and journals should also be italicised. No part of the text should be in bold or underlined.

- Short quotations (less than five lines) should be in regular type and inside outward‐ pointing double angle brackets « ». Longer quotations should be inset in a smaller font than the rest of the text (10 points) without quotation marks. The meanings or translations of isolated terms should be in single quotation marks (' ').

- Footnotes should be indicated in the text by superscript numbers without parentheses. Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the relevant page, not at the end of the text, in Times New Roman, 10 pt, 1.5‐spaced. They must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals.

- Capitalisation should be used in compliance with the rules of each language according to the opinion or recommendation of the relevant official institutions. The use of capital letters for entire words should be limited exclusively to acronyms. Initial capital letters should be used for proper nouns, institutions and corporations, never for common nouns: king, count, pope, cathedral, bishop, etc.


The APA style should be used to cite sources. A few basic rules are outlined here. For further information, please consult:

http://culturanavarra.es/uploads/files/APAENG.pdf References within the text:

- Bibliographic references should be credited in the text, not in footnotes, according to the author‐date system: author’s first surname (both surnames should appear in the reference list; if two or more authors cited in the same work share the same surname, they should be cited in the text with the surname followed by a comma and the initials of their first names), year of publication and page numbers, separated by commas and all within parentheses (Hualde, 1995, pp. 13‐15). If the author's name forms part of the text, then the year and the page numbers should appear afterwards in parentheses. When citing various texts within the same citation, these should be separated by semicolons.

- When citing more than one publication by the same author published in the same year, consecutive lower‐case letters should be added to the year, with no space: (2016a, 2016b).

- For citations with more than three authors, consult the rules on the website. All the authors should be listed in the reference list at the end of the article.


Reference list:

- All the references expressly cited in the text must be listed at the end of the text and all the references listed must be expressly cited within the text. All references which do not meet these two conditions should be removed.

- The references should be ordered alphabetically by the surnames of the author or, where appropriate, those of the first author, followed by the initials of his/her first names. References to the same author should be ordered chronologically. When citing more than one publication by the same author published in the same year, consecutive lower‐case letters should be added to the year.

- The references should comply with the following rules:

o Only the first letter of the authors' surnames should capitalised. The surnames should be followed by a comma and then the initial or initials of the authors' first name/s in capitals, each followed by a full stop. When there is more than one author, the different authors should be separated by commas, except the last one, which should be preceded by an "&". This should be followed by the year in parentheses and a full stop after the closing parenthesis.

o Books should be listed as follows: title in italics, full stop (.), place of publication, colon (:), and publisher.

Author, A. A. (year). Title. Place: Publisher.

o Chapters within books should be listed as follows:

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (year). Title of the chapter. In A. Editor, B. Editor &

C. Editor (eds.), Title of the book (pp. xxx‐xxx). Place: Publisher.

o Book chapter in a multivolume anthology:

Author, A. A. (year). Title of the chapter. In Editor, B. B. (ed. of the anthology),

Title of the anthology: vol. x. Title of the volume (pp. xxx‐xxx). doi: xxxxxxxx.

o When a chapter is not attributed to an author, the title takes the position of the author:

Title. (year). In A. Editor (ed.), Title of the book (xx ed., vol. xx, pp. xxx‐xxx). Place: Publisher.

o Articles from journals should be listed as follows: title non‐italicised without quotation marks, full stop (.), name of the journal in italics, followed by a comma and the issue in italicised Arabic numerals, comma (,) and all the pages of the article or just those cited.

Author, A. A., Author, B. B. & Autor, C. C. (year). Title of the article. Title of the publication, xx, pp‐pp.

o References to electronic publications should be as for print publications, stating the URL as follows:

Author, A. A. (year). Title of the article. Title of the publication, xx, pp‐pp.

Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxxxx

o Do not include the date of retrieval unless the source material is likely to change over time.

o If a DOI has been assigned to the publication, this replaces the URL.

Author, A. A. (year). Title of the article. Title of the publication, xx, pp‐pp. doi: xx.xxxxxxxxxx


- DOIs (digital object identifiers) are only used for publications to which one has been assigned.

Article acceptance and publication process

Upon receipt of the original, the editorial board will determine whether the work should be rejected or accepted for review within a maximum period of one week. If it is accepted for review, it will be sent to two external reviewers who will decide, within a maximum period of one month and a half, if the article should be:

Accepted: if both reviewers qualify it as «publishable» or «publishable with the suggested improvements».

Rejected: a) If both reviewers consider it «unpublishable», or b) If one reviewer considers it unpublishable and the other asks that the second version be sent again for review.

In the process of being accepted: a) If both reviewers ask that the second version be sent for review. b) If one reviewer considers the article publishable or publishable with the suggested improvements, and the other considers that it should be rejected or asks that the second version be sent for review. In this case, the article is sent to a third reviewer. If this reviewer considers the work publishable or publishable with the suggested improvements, the article will be accepted. If he/she considers that it should be rejected, the article will be rejected. If he/she asks that the second version be sent for review, then it will be sent.

In all cases, the author will receive notification of the decision taken. Except in the first case, the article will be returned to the author so that he/she can make the changes suggested by the reviewers or withdraw it from publication.

After final acceptance, the authors will be sent a set of the first proofs for correction. Given that the originals sent by the authors are the definitive texts, these corrections will consist solely of correcting misprints or making grammatical changes. If the corrections are not received in a maximum period of ten days, the Príncipe de Viana Publications Office will proceed to correct the proofs in order to avoid delays in publication, accepting no liability.

The publisher reserves the right to adapt the originals to the scientific and typographical rules for journals, and to ask the authors to rework the articles in order to comply with the instructions of the reviewers or to edit the texts, footnotes and/or illustrations.

After receiving notification of the final approval, you must send the declaration of authorship and transfer of rights to cuadernosetnologia@navarra.es as soon as possible.


The author accepts, as a condition of publication, that the Government of Navarre may reproduce the article in whole or in part, digitise it, adapt it or translate it if necessary. Likewise, he/she accepts that the article may be published on global communication networks and other digital media, making the digitized version of the publication available on the websites of the Government of Navarre or other entities related to it exclusively for informational and research purposes. The articles will be published open access with a Creative Commons licence (by‐nc‐nd: attribution, non‐commercial).

Following publication, each author will receive a copy of the journal in which the article is published and a PDF version.