Sansonarriren kondaira Azkoako Santa Katalina baselizako irudi batean [The rock of Sanson’s legend in the hermitage of Santa Catalina of Azkoa]

  • Koldo Colomo Castro [Spain]
Keywords: Rock of Sanson, mythology, Roland, gentile, giant, Navarre


This article attempts to give a hypothetical explanation of the curios inscription “SANSO hARRIA” wich can be seen on an ornamental stone in the hermitage of Santa Catalina of Azkoa (Navarra). The interpretation is made from Basque cultural perspective, as Basque was the spoken language of the area during the mediaeval period. The image belongs to Basque mythology and specifically relates to the Sansonarri the legend of the biblical evil strong man who became a thrower of enormous rocks. The Sansonarri of Azkoa is one of the very few historical images and writings attributed to the pantheon of Basque mythology.


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How to Cite
Colomo Castro, K. (2009). Sansonarriren kondaira Azkoako Santa Katalina baselizako irudi batean [The rock of Sanson’s legend in the hermitage of Santa Catalina of Azkoa]. Cuadernos De Etnología Y Etnografía Navarra, (84), 5-24. Retrieved from