El Rosario de los Esclavos de la catedral de Pamplona en el contexto peninsular [The Slaves’ Rosary from Pamplona’s cathedral in the Spanish context]

  • Eduardo Morales Solchaga Doctor en Historia del Arte. Cátedra de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro [Spain]
Keywords: Slaves’ Rosary, Pamplona, Crystal rosaries, Spain, Panorama, Popular religiosity, XIX and XX centuries


This article talks not only about a genuine religious practice from Pamplona’s cathedral called “The Slaves’ Rosary”, but also about other similar processions from other points of Spain, (like Zaragoza, Calatayud, Tauste, Borja, Híjar, Vitoria, Haro, Atienza and Sigüenza), their origins, composition and History. It also offers new bibliographical references and unpublished data. As a result, a deep overview of this kind of rosaries, that are notable for their crystal lanterns representing the mysteries of the Holy Rosary, is given.


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How to Cite
Morales Solchaga, E. (2012). El Rosario de los Esclavos de la catedral de Pamplona en el contexto peninsular [The Slaves’ Rosary from Pamplona’s cathedral in the Spanish context]. Cuadernos De Etnología Y Etnografía Navarra, (86), 127-146. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/CEEN/article/view/199