El carboneo en las Améscoas [The charcoal production in the Amescoas]

  • Antxon Aguirre Sorondo Etnógrafo [Spain]
Keywords: Charcoal production sites, Gollano (Navarre), methods, techniques


This paper deals with the traditional way of making charcoal used by the burners from Gollano (Navarre), in comparison with the production system that was in use in Vizcaya at the beginning of the 19th century.


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How to Cite
Aguirre Sorondo, A. (2013). El carboneo en las Améscoas [The charcoal production in the Amescoas]. Cuadernos De Etnología Y Etnografía Navarra, (88), 5-24. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/CEEN/article/view/215