Arenero de río, antiguo oficio de la Comarca de Pamplona [Sand gatherer in the river, traditional job in the Region of Pamplona]

  • Ricardo Gurbindo Gil Licenciado en Historia [Spain]
Keywords: Sand gatherer, sand harvesting, traditional job, Arga River, Region of Pamplona


Far from being a coincidence, since the beginning of time, humans have tended to establish their settlements in the proximity of watercourses. This is not surprising, since water is a must for both our survival and for most of our elementary activities. The rivers, besides water, have also provided us a raw material such as sand, which, among other uses, has played a key role in the construction of these populations. This study deals with the work of the sand gatherers that extracted this material from the Arga River and its tributaries in the area of the Region of Pamplona. We will analyze some of the provisions and rules that were enacted to regulate this activity; different uses the product...


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How to Cite
Gurbindo Gil, R. (2017). Arenero de río, antiguo oficio de la Comarca de Pamplona [Sand gatherer in the river, traditional job in the Region of Pamplona]. Cuadernos De Etnología Y Etnografía Navarra, (90), 29-53. Retrieved from