El congoce agrícola en las Bardenas Reales de Navarra. Una arquitectura del paisaje: las cabañas [Agricultural enjoyment and advantage in the Royal Bardenas of Navarre. A landscape architecture: the cabins]

  • M.ª Rosario Mateo Pérez Olcairum Estudios Arqueológicos, S. L. [Spain]
  • Pablo Orduna Portús Basque Culinary Center, Facultad de CC. Gastronómicas (MU) [Spain]
Keywords: agricultural cabin, popular architecture, dry stone, communal enjoyment, Royal Bardenas


Agriculture has become a thriving economic sector in the communal lands of the Bardenas. However, in this territory, both the material cultural and the immaterial heritages are being relegated to oblivion. In certain agricultural constructions only some outstanding ethnological examples are preserved that have not distorted their meaning or original structures. Based on the fieldwork and archival documentation, this paper collects information regarding such constructive knowledge and its accommodation in the communal landscape. The analysis of the data tries to determine a proper building model linked to the traditional trade and the geomorphological environment of wastelands that characterize the Bardenas landscape.


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How to Cite
Mateo Pérez, M. R., & Orduna Portús, P. (2019). El congoce agrícola en las Bardenas Reales de Navarra. Una arquitectura del paisaje: las cabañas [Agricultural enjoyment and advantage in the Royal Bardenas of Navarre. A landscape architecture: the cabins]. Cuadernos De Etnología Y Etnografía Navarra, (92), 149-198. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/CEEN/article/view/286