1778ko eskuizkribu bat Albeniz-Arabako euskaran?

  • Victor Hidalgo Eizagirre Euskal Filologian Doktorea [Spain]



This article presents a manuscript written in Basque which was unknown until now (together with its possible original version in Spanish). The origin of the manuscript could date back to around the year 1778, and to a variety of language used in the area surrounding the villages of Albéniz, Ordoñana and Araya in Alava, places where a century later, Prince Bonaparte would not find any evidence of the use of the Basque language for his studies.


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How to Cite
Hidalgo Eizagirre, V. (1996). 1778ko eskuizkribu bat Albeniz-Arabako euskaran?. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (73), 483-491. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv73.8