Urumeako zilegimendietako toponimia: zenbait ohar [Toponymy of the Urumea communal mountains: some notes]

  • Luis Mari Zaldua Filologoa [Spain]
Keywords: Urumea, communal toponymy, Gipuzkoa


The subject of the article is the doctoral thesis, Urumeako zilegimendietako toponimia. The territory under study in this research work is to be found in the north – east of Gipuzkoa. It is made up of the districts of  Donostia, Hernani and Urnieta and has an area of 38 km2. This area, which, to a great extent, is Basque-speaking, affords one the opportunity of using written information from the 12th century up to the present time, which is quite unusual, at least in Gipuzkoa. Although there is not space enough in this article, the author covers four aspects: the aims of the work, the environment, the sources and some conclusions  resulting from the analysis of the toponomy compiled.


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How to Cite
Zaldua, L. M. (2011). Urumeako zilegimendietako toponimia: zenbait ohar [Toponymy of the Urumea communal mountains: some notes]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (113), 177-190. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv113-4