Las mujeres de «El amigo congelado» de Joseba Sarrionandia: la utilización de personajes femeninos para hacer frente a los límites del lenguaje [Women in Joseba Sarrionandia’s The Frozen Friend: The use of feminine characters to overcome the limits of language]
The goal of this article is to analyze the source of Goio’s trauma. Goio is the main character in The Frozen Friend, a novel by the emblematic Basque author Joseba Sarrionandia (Iurreta, Biscay, 1958), awarded with the national critic award in 2001. The aim is, thus, to analyze his trauma and the limits of the language to name it, as well as the strategies used by the author to dodge this boundary and release the trauma, paying special attention to the metaphors, symbols and the use of feminine characters to reach this goal.
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