Jean Barbier-en Piarres XX. mendearen lehen erdiko euskal eleberrigintzan [Jean Barbier’s Piarres in the first half of the 20th century basque narrative]
Jean Barbier’s Piarres I (1926) and Piarres II (1929) are analysed, placing them in the first half of the 20th century narrative. From the end of the 19th century, all the novels published in more than half a century coincide with the way of forming used materials and in the indicated way of viewing the world, but Barbier brings things that were unknown, for example, that he was the first and the last novelist who wrote about war those days, that he put in the same side of the fight characters that did not speak the same language, establishing to the nation and abroad new borders or underlining that the humans are ruled by God.
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