Denboratik kausara: -nez gero kausazko lokailuaren garapenaz [From time to cause: The development of the Basque connector -nez gero]
We examine the evolution of -nez gero as a causal connector. As expected of causal connectors of temporal origin, -nez gero clauses are mostly used to justify speech acts and similar situations. However, they are also used in more neutral thematic causal clauses. The most noticeable evolution in the last five centuries has been an increase in the frequency of its use in the latter type of causal clauses. Also contrary to the evolution
of ya que in Spanish, we do not observe any diachronic tendency for the subordinate clause to move from the left to the right of the main clause or, regarding informative function, from non-assertive to assertive. In all this, the Basque subordinator resembles more Fr puisque...
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