Dos canciones populares vascas del siglo XIX de Lekeitio [Two popular 19th-century Basque songs from Lekeitio]

  • Jabier Kalzakorta Elorza Labayru Fundazioa [Spain]
Keywords: christmas song, bertso berriak (new couplets), Lekeitio, Juan Antonio Aboitiz, Juan Bautista Eguzkitza


In this paper I transcribe and analyze the content of a letter sent from Lekeitio by Juan Bautista eguzkitza (1875-1939) to Julio urquijo (1875-1950) on 17th October 1921. The letter includes two old songs in Basque that were sung in Lekeitio in the mid-19th century. The first one is a christmas song composed by the Lekeitian poet Juan Antonio de Aboitiz (1751-1824), and the second one, some bertso berriak (new couplets) that narrate the adventures of some fishermen on the inlet of Grankanto around 1840.


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How to Cite
Kalzakorta Elorza, J. (2020). Dos canciones populares vascas del siglo XIX de Lekeitio [Two popular 19th-century Basque songs from Lekeitio]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (129), 235-268.