Egiletasuna eta gorputza kritika feministaren argitan. Miren Agur Meaberen Kristalezko begi bat nobelaren irakurketa bat [Authorship and the body in the light of feminist criticism. A reading of the novel A glass eye by Miren Agur Meabe]
This article synthesizes the theoretical contributions that feminist criticism has made on authorship. Although Roland Barthes advocated the «death of the author» in 1968, the article argues that feminist criticism and recent research on authorship offer new views to rethink authorship. The article reflects on the relationship between authorship and the body, as well as on the characteristics of the autofiction as genre. These concepts are key to proposing an interpretation of the novel A glass eye (2013) by Miren Agur Meabe. The article proposes that Meabe’s novel poses a new embodied authorship, through autofiction.
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