Tonuak eta etenak Gatikako intonazioan

  • Iñaki Gaminde EHU-UPV, Hizkuntza eta Literaturaren Didaktika Saila. [Spain]


This article studies the pauses and tones which comprise the intonation of the Basque spoken in Gatika. In order to do this, a body consisting of 1.009 prosodic groups taken from free, recorded texts has been formed. After analysing criteria for the classification of the pauses, work begins with an account of the degree of concurrence in each. Alongside the pauses, the types of frontier tones appearing at the end of these are also investigated. Similarly, the lengths of the prosodic groups, the functions of the field of fundamental frequency and the long or inserted vowels at the end of the groups are also studied.


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How to Cite
Gaminde, I. (2004). Tonuak eta etenak Gatikako intonazioan. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (97), 519-536.