We do not know whether Jews in Sefarad 1 spoke or wrote Basque
Whereas no one doubts the presence of Jews on Basque-speaking territory before 1492, we have no evidence about what language or language or languages they spoke. José Ramón Magdalena Nom de Déu doubts that any spoke Baske. However, since lack of evidence is different from negative evidence, the author of the present note prefers to leave that question open by saying “we do not know”
GOLD, David L. 1982. "The Jewish Alphabet". Language Problems and Language Planning. Vol. 6, nº. 3, pp. 342-343. https://doi.org/10.1075/lplp.6.3.22gol
MAGDALENA NOM DE DÉU, José Ramón. 1993. "Las otras judeolenguas de Sefarad antes de la expulsión." In Ribera 1993: 73-82.
PRAGER, Leonard. 1986. "A Preliminary Checklist of English Names of Jewish Lects". Jewish Language Review 6: 225-236.
RIBERA, Josep, ed. 1993. Actes del Simposi Internacional sobre Cultura Sefardita. Barcelona. Fa cultat de Filologia, Secció d'Hebreu i Arameu.
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