Ukar Itzarbeibarko doktrina (1865)

  • Jose María Satrustegi Academia de la Lengua Vasca -Euskaltzaindia [Spain]


This study offers the text of a catechism hand-written in Basque together with a fragment of a homily, both found in Ukar (Valdizarbe). The interest of the document lies not only in its symbolic importance, the area being one in which the Basque language is not spoken, but also in the fact that the notebook bears the date 1865, which can be regarded as significantly contemporary. The language used is similar to that spoken in Pamplona and district.


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How to Cite
Satrustegi, J. M. (2002). Ukar Itzarbeibarko doktrina (1865). Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (89), 149-167.