Victoriano Huici González de Villazón (1860-1938)

  • Miguel Ángel Sagaseta Del equipo sacerdotal de Etxarri-Aranatz y párroco de Urdiain [Spain]
  • José Goñi Gaztambide Canónigo archivero de la catedral de Pamplona [Spain]
  • Quintín Aldea Miembro de número de la Real Academia de la Historia [Spain]


A hundred years on from the publication of the Etxarri-Aranatz priest Victoriano Huici’s Manual de Gramática Bascongada (Manual of Basque Grammar), this work has been prepared as homage to its author, describing and informing as to the nature of his personality. The Manual represents the first Basque grammar written by a Navarran author. Huici’s work was heterogeneous and wide-ranging. He taught Latin to students. He worked as priest in seven Navarran villages. He joined the Jesuits and led spiritual exercises, popular missions and preached to soldiers in Africa. No longer in the Jesuits, he stayed in Cuba for three or four years. He died in the village of his birth, Etxarri-Aranatz, on the 19th of September 1938.


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PÉREZ GOYENA, A., Ensayo de bibliografía navarra, IX (Burgos 1964) 265-266;

LATXAGA (J. Mª. San Sebastián), Bitoriano Huizi, Etxarriko seme ospetsua, en "Príncipe de Viana", "Suplemento mensual de la Revista, destinado al fomento del vascuence", 1974-Maiatza, p. 6; Diccionario Auñamendi, vol. XVIII (San Sebastián 1985) 576-577 (copia a Pérez Goyena); Gran Enciclopedia Navarra, VI (Pamplona 1990) 25-26 (FPO) (Fernando Pérez Ollo).

KARASATORRE, R., ERDOZIA, J. L., y E. ULAIAR, Etxarri-Aranazko Euskara et Arañaz Elkarteko Hiztegia (Tafalla 1991) 105-107.

BIDADOR, J. M., Biktoriano Huiziri buruzko berri laburra (1860-1938). Apareció en Euskera, 1999, 2, 44zenb. pp. 821-829.

J. L. ERDOZIA, Bitoriano Huiziren, Manual de Gramática Bascongada (1899), en FLV, n 82 (1999) 523-533.

How to Cite
Sagaseta, M. Ángel, Goñi Gaztambide, J., & Aldea, Q. (2000). Victoriano Huici González de Villazón (1860-1938). Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (84), 309-325.