Evolución del nombre de pila en el País Vasco peninsular

  • Mikel Gorrotxategi Nieto Licenciado en filología vasca, académico correspondiente de Euskaltzaindia-RALV y secretario de su comisión d [Spain]


This study analyses the history of first names in the peninsular Basque Country of the present century, looking into trends from the period of Franco’s dictatorship, in which Basque-based names were forbidden, to the present-day situation. The detailed histories of some specimen areas from the four provinces are also studied. The most obvious conclusion is that freedom of choice has led to the present-day situation, rich and alive in its nomenclature where autochthonous names predomin.


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IÑIGO, Andres y Salaberri, Patxi (1997), "Euskaraz femeninoak egiteko izan diren bideez", Euskera, 257-270.

MITXELENA, Luis (1973), Apellidos Vascos, Txertoa, Donostia (3ª edición).

SALABERRI, Patxi. Ver Iñigo, Andres.

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How to Cite
Gorrotxategi Nieto, M. (2000). Evolución del nombre de pila en el País Vasco peninsular. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (83), 151-168. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv83.9