Koloreak «Orixe»ren begian

  • Patziku Perurena [Spain]


The treatment of the colour in the Basque popular tradition has a valuable exponent in the prolific and genuine writer Nicolás Ormaetxea. Although he cultivated preferably the auditing sense, considerated by him as the most sharp, proficient, pure and spiritual, he did not fail to shape the chromatic shades from the Basque point of view. 

He even dedicated a beautiful poem («Argi ta Margo») in the honour of the sense of sight, in which he calls the Light, mother saint of the colours, as probed by the interest he showed for it. 

This work wants to reflect the colour world represented in the pages of the distinguished poet from Huici. 


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How to Cite
Perurena, P. (1992). Koloreak «Orixe»ren begian . Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (61), 431-455. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv61.6