The oldest strata in lenguage: A Study of Structural Evolution in the Western European Languages
-1956 Amerindian Structure Types (Contributions from the Linguistic Seminars, vol. 2, No. 8). Lund.
-1959 On the Indo-European Optative (Contributions from the Linguistic Seminars, vol. 3, No. 13). Lund.
-1963 On the History and Structure of the Australian Languages (Australian Essays and Studies, vol. 3). Upsala.
-1965 How Does Language Change? (Arsbok 1961/62, Slavic Seminar). Lund.
-1966 The General Structure of Language (Cor.tributions from the Linguistic Seminars, vol. 5, No. 23). Lund.
-1969 On Diachronic Classification within Austronesian and Austroasiatic (A Study in Typological Evolution; Slavic Seminar, Arsbok). Lund.
-1970 a A Historic-Comparative Analysis of the Stnicture of the Basque Language (Fontes Linguae Vasconum, No. 4). Pamplona.
-1970 b The Principal Línguistic Types (Fonte, Linguae Vasconum, No. 4). Pamplona.
-1977 Linguistic Relationship on Thee Levels (Fontes Linguae Vasconum, No. 26). Pamplona.
Copyright (c) 1978 Nils M. Holmer
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