(Euskal) ipuingintzaren gakoak: Iban Zalduaren «Ipuina adulterioa da» [Keys to (Basque) storytelling: «Ipuina adulterioa da» by Iban Zaldua]
This article will analyze the story «Ipuina adulterioa da» from the book Ipuina engainua da (2022). Being a tale with two levels, a metafictional plane around the creation of stories, and another one about a story of adultery, it will be observed how the limits of both levels are blurred. The purpose of the analysis is twofold: to gather Zaldua’s reflections on the short story and, in particular, on Basque storytelling, and to confirm how these reflections are incorporated in that specific short story by Zaldua. As the study progresses, it will determine that the arguments in favour of the essence of the tale are not developed at the level of Elena’s notebook, but in the fictional story.
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