Uxue Apaolazaren «Manoletinak» (Bihurguneko nasa) ipuineko ekfrasiez: irakurketa proposamen bat [Reading «Manoletinak» (Bihurguneko nasa, Uxue Apaolaza) based on the ekphrases]

Keywords: Uxue Apaolaza, short story, «Ballerinas», ekphrasis, gender studies


According to specialists, Uxue Apaolaza tends to underline the edges of the (un)speakable. Recent research into the concept of ekphrasis suggests that this means ethics and grammar of the gaze, as a reflection or translation of the (in)visible. Thus, the aim is to analyse the short story «Manoletinak» (Bihurguneko nasa, 2023, Euskadi Prize) taking as its axis, precisely, the painting by Maia Plisetskaya that is mentioned in the story. The ekphrases of Plisetskaya’s image are probably more significant than they might seem and their analysis will reveal new readings of their own at the heart of the story. To this end, studies of ekphrasis, gender studies, and reception theory will be combined.


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How to Cite
Iruretagoiena Goikoetxea, L. (2024). Uxue Apaolazaren «Manoletinak» (Bihurguneko nasa) ipuineko ekfrasiez: irakurketa proposamen bat [Reading «Manoletinak» (Bihurguneko nasa, Uxue Apaolaza) based on the ekphrases]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (138), 421-441. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv138.4