Ideología política como frontera: la derecha católica navarra durante la Segunda República [Political ideology as a border: The Navarian catholic right during the second republic]

  • Miguel Fernández Cárcar Colegio Santa María la Real-Maristas [Spain]
Keywords: Ideology, Catholic right, Second Spanish Republic, Navarre


This article explains how the right-wing Catholic parties in Navarra were transformed during the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1936). At the beginning of 1931 the Navarrese Catholic parties were divided, since their ideological boundaries distanced them from each other. They were only united by Catholicism, a factor they used to approach each other and present themselves as a block. In addition, it is clear that the ideas that right-wing parties had been defending were ignored in order to unite and end with a common enemy, the Second Republic. This way their ideological boundaries underwent modifications in order to fit in with each other and act together.



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How to Cite
Fernández Cárcar, M. (2019). Ideología política como frontera: la derecha católica navarra durante la Segunda República [Political ideology as a border: The Navarian catholic right during the second republic]. Príncipe De Viana, (272), 1099-1112. Retrieved from
Old and new institutions of Navarre: Overcoming boundaries