Un limes cántabro. La guerra, su administración y su impacto en las fronteras del ámbito pirenaico occidental en un contexto bélico (1635-1643) [A cantabrian limes. War, its administration and its impact on the west Pyrenean borders (1635-1643)]

  • Imanol Merino Malillos Investigador doctor. UPV/EHU [Spain]
Keywords: 17th Century, War, boundaries, siege of Fuenterrabia, Cantabria


During the French-Hispanic war (1635-1659) societies, economies and cultures accustomed to fluid relations between both sides of the Bidasoa River and of the Pyrenees saw them interrupted, at least in theory. After Fuenterrabía’s siege in 1638, the Spanish Crown decided to create the Council of Cantabria in Vitoria (Álava) to manage the warfare on the west Pyrenean boundary. The main goal of the councillors was to reinforce the frontier against future French attacks, a goal that paradoxically made the total closure of the boundary impossible. I will analyse how they conceived and managed the borders, and I will explore how the war changed this frontier.



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How to Cite
Merino Malillos, I. (2019). Un limes cántabro. La guerra, su administración y su impacto en las fronteras del ámbito pirenaico occidental en un contexto bélico (1635-1643) [A cantabrian limes. War, its administration and its impact on the west Pyrenean borders (1635-1643)]. Príncipe De Viana, (272), 1147-1161. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/968
A world of boundaries. The western Pyrenees in the Modern period (16th - 18th centuries)