Uso terapéutico del agua en época romana: el caso de Navarra [The use of water for health purposes in Roman times in Navarra]

  • Mª Jesús Peréx Agorreta [Spain]
Keywords: thermal bath, spa, medicinal water, temperature, water deities, nymphs


Compared to the well known hygienic and ludic baths, we find in the Roman world other kind of baths, whose structures and objectives are different: the Spas. While the baths had well known structures, and their situation within the town or villa was planned according to the rest of the buildings, the situation of the thermal establishment, whose waters have healing properties, which we can call spa, depended for their location on the geological characteristics that determined the temperature and the water properties.


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How to Cite
Peréx Agorreta, M. J. (2013). Uso terapéutico del agua en época romana: el caso de Navarra [The use of water for health purposes in Roman times in Navarra]. Trabajos De Arqueología Navarra, (24), 131-141. Retrieved from