Pompelo y el siglo III, pautas singulares de consumo cerámico a través del contexto estratigráfico hallado en el edificio nº 47 de la calle Estafeta [Pompelo and the Third Century, singular patterns of pottery consumption through a stratigraphic context, found in 47 Estafeta street]

  • Carlos Zuza Astiz [Spain]
  • María García-Barberena Unzu [Spain]
  • Nicolás Zuazúa Wegener [Spain]
  • Mercedes Unzu Urmeneta [Spain]
Keywords: Pamplona /Pompelo, III Century, ceramic consumption, Import of African pottery


This paper analyzes an archaeological context of Pamplona that can be dated on the third century A. D. The study of the materials shows a presence of North African kitchen pottery larger than is usual in other archaeological contexts. This study shows the patterns of pottery consumption in the third century in Pamplona. This city, despite being a city in the interior of the peninsula, was insert in the main trade routes of the Mediterranean.



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How to Cite
Zuza Astiz, C., García-Barberena Unzu, M., Zuazúa Wegener, N., & Unzu Urmeneta, M. (2017). Pompelo y el siglo III, pautas singulares de consumo cerámico a través del contexto estratigráfico hallado en el edificio nº 47 de la calle Estafeta [Pompelo and the Third Century, singular patterns of pottery consumption through a stratigraphic context, found in 47 Estafeta street]. Trabajos De Arqueología Navarra, (28), 73-97. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/TAN/article/view/161