Arqueología de la fortificación de la Guerra Civil y asociacionismo en los frentes de Madrid [Archeology of the fortification and cultural associations of the Civil War on the fronts of Madrid]

  • Pablo Schnell Quiertant [Spain]
  • José Manuel Baltuille Martín [Spain]
Keywords: Archeology, fortification, Spanish Civil War, Cultural associations


Archeology offers information that is not available from other sources; thus has become an indispensable science for the knowledge of the fortification of the Spanish Civil War. A specific methodology is necessary, as a specialized branch of military archeology of the 20th Century. Other forms of archeology (prospecting, building archeology, etc.) should be applied in addition to excavation. We discuss the role of Cultural associations in the research and in the valuation of these fortifications as a part of historical heritage. Current knowledge is largely due to cultural associations. Some examples are shown.


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How to Cite
Schnell Quiertant, P., & Baltuille Martín, J. M. (2018). Arqueología de la fortificación de la Guerra Civil y asociacionismo en los frentes de Madrid [Archeology of the fortification and cultural associations of the Civil War on the fronts of Madrid]. Trabajos De Arqueología Navarra, (29), 169-202. Retrieved from