Fora Vasconiae. Centros cívicos en los límites del conuentus Caesaraugustanus: el caso de Santa Criz de Eslava (Eslava, Navarra) [Fora Vasconiae. Civic centers at the limits of the Caesaraugustanus conventus: the case of Santa Criz de Eslava (Eslava, Navarra)]

  • Luis Romero Novella [Spain]
Keywords: forum, conventus Caesaraugustanus, Santa Criz de Eslava, vascones, cryptoporticus


The cities of the territory of the vascones had an important process of monumentalization of their urban centers that affected in a very special way the forum, the main point of each city. Good examples of this are the fora of cities such as Los Bañales, Iluberis, Pompelo, Andelo, Cara or Santa Criz. These last fora will be analyzed in detail, because of its great monumentality, excellent state of conservation –with no comparison in these geographical coordinates in Hispania– and its uneven state of excavation/publication.


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How to Cite
Romero Novella, L. (2019). Fora Vasconiae. Centros cívicos en los límites del conuentus Caesaraugustanus: el caso de Santa Criz de Eslava (Eslava, Navarra) [Fora Vasconiae. Civic centers at the limits of the Caesaraugustanus conventus: the case of Santa Criz de Eslava (Eslava, Navarra)]. Trabajos De Arqueología Navarra, (30), 197-214. Retrieved from