Trabajos arqueológicos en el yacimiento de Irulegi (Valle de Aranguren), 2019-2020 [Archaeological works at the site of Irulegi (Aranguren valley), 2019-2020]

  • Mattin Aiestaran de la Sotilla Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi. UPV/EHU [Spain]
  • Daniel Ruiz González Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi. UPV/EHU [Spain]
  • Eneko Iriarte Avilés Universidad de Burgos [Spain]
  • Jesús Sesma Sesma Gobierno de Navarra [Spain]
  • Jesús García Gazólaz Gobierno de Navarra [Spain]
  • Jose Antonio Mujika Alustiza Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) [Spain]
  • Juantxo Agirre Mauleon Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi [Spain]
Keywords: Irulegi, Aranguren Valley, Iron Age hillfort, Archaeology


Between 2019 and 2020, a team from the Aranzadi Science Society carried out a series of archaeological works in the Iron Age town of the Irulegi site, in the municipality of Laquidáin (valle de Aranguren). During several campaigns, visual surveys, geophysical surveys, geoarchaeological surveys and archaeological excavations have been carried out, both in the form of trenches and in an open area, which have allowed us to begin to know this phase of this site.


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How to Cite
Aiestaran de la Sotilla, M., Ruiz González, D., Iriarte Avilés, E., Sesma Sesma, J., García Gazólaz, J., Mujika Alustiza, J. A., & Agirre Mauleon, J. (2021). Trabajos arqueológicos en el yacimiento de Irulegi (Valle de Aranguren), 2019-2020 [Archaeological works at the site of Irulegi (Aranguren valley), 2019-2020]. Trabajos De Arqueología Navarra, (31 32), 223-229.