Último siglo del abasto de nieve en Pamplona (1818-1922) [Last century of snow supply in Pamplona (1818-1922)]

  • Ricardo Gurbindo Gil Licenciado en Historia [Spain]
Keywords: snow, supply, public service, trade, Pamplona (Navarre)


Thanks to the studies carried out on the collection and consumption of snow in Navarre, we are aware of the considerable expansion and importance achieved by this activity in the past. The present article sets out the characteristics and different stages that the supply of this genre experienced in Pamplona in its last century of existence. Everything concerning the provision of this public service depended on the so-called Snow Department that was established by the city’s municipal government. The documentation generated by this institution provides interesting information regarding the methods adopted at each moment to carry out the supply, the main focuses of production, as well as the material and human resources used in this process.


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How to Cite
Gurbindo Gil, R. (2022). Último siglo del abasto de nieve en Pamplona (1818-1922) [Last century of snow supply in Pamplona (1818-1922)]. Cuadernos De Etnología Y Etnografía Navarra, (95), 9-53. https://doi.org/10.35462/CEEN95.1