El Camino de Santiago en Navarra en 1971 a la luz de un informe para su mejora elaborado por la Dirección de Turismo, Bibliotecas y Cultura Popular

[The Way of St James in Navarre in 1971 in the light of a report for its improvement by the Directorate for Tourism, Libraries and Popular Culture]

  • Fernando Vega López Universidad Pública de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: Way of St James, tourism, Provincial Council of Navarre, Directorate for Tourism, Libraries and Popular Culture


A report for the improvement of the Way of St James in Navarre written in 1971 by the Directorate for Tourism, Libraries and Popular Culture of the Provincial Council of Navarre is described and analysed. The report lists the work that it would be necessary to carry out on buildings, companies, farms and other places alongside the road following the route, i.e. those visible to motorists, to improve its appearance. The locations where infrastructure such as car parks and viewpoints should be built are also indicated.


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How to Cite
Vega López, F. (2021). El Camino de Santiago en Navarra en 1971 a la luz de un informe para su mejora elaborado por la Dirección de Turismo, Bibliotecas y Cultura Popular. Cuadernos De Etnología Y Etnografía Navarra, (94), 225-270. https://doi.org/10.35462/CEEN94.6