Estelas discoideas de Ardaitz, Valle de Erro (Navarra) [Ardaitz disc-shaped funerary stelae, Erro Valley (Navarre)]

  • Sara González Bravo Técnico en Documentación y Archivo del proyecto arqueológico de Cabeza de Ladrero. Profesora de Educación Secundaria La Compasión-Escolapios. [Spain]
  • Iñigo García Echeverría Profesor de Educación Secundaria en Calasanz-Escolapios [Spain]
Keywords: disc-shaped stelae, Ardaitz, Erro, funerary monument, tomb


This article aims to report the existence of four discoid stelae from the Navarrese village of Ardaitz, located in the Erro Valley. To this end, a structural analysis of the materials and a classification of the stelae will be carried out, followed by a description of the ornaments, their symbology and a search for parallels, and finally, conclusions will be drawn. These determine that, in general, the decoration is similar to that of the rest of the discoid stelae in Navarre.


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How to Cite
González Bravo, S., & García Echeverría, I. (2022). Estelas discoideas de Ardaitz, Valle de Erro (Navarra) [Ardaitz disc-shaped funerary stelae, Erro Valley (Navarre)]. Cuadernos De Etnología Y Etnografía Navarra, (95), 87-102.