Gorriti, leyes para el juego y el baile en la plaza [Gorriti, rules for games and dances in de square]

  • Orreaga Ibarra Murillo Universidad Pública de Navarra. Departamento de Filología [Spain]
Keywords: Gorriti, game of ball, pediment, dance, war carlista


In this article we compile the content of a notebook that we have found in Gorriti (Larraun, in the valley of Navarre). The village priest wrote it, and he signs it with the mayor and councilors. This notebook collects the especial normative of the court use of the game of the Basque ball in Gorriti. The test dates from 150 years ago, just when the court was built, and it seems that the disputes between dancers and ball players were very common, because both parts wanted to use the place. Furthermore, it is very interesting as an ethnographic document, because it portrays the society of its time.


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How to Cite
Ibarra Murillo, O. (2009). Gorriti, leyes para el juego y el baile en la plaza [Gorriti, rules for games and dances in de square]. Cuadernos De Etnología Y Etnografía Navarra, (84), 97-113. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/CEEN/article/view/1977