Gastronomía y alimentación en Viana [Gastronomy and food in Viana]

  • Juan Cruz Labeaga Mendiola Doctor en Historia [Spain]
Keywords: banquets, foodstuffs, prices, nougats, chocolate, potatoes


This article deals with gastronomy and food in Viana as of the XVI century, using, above all, a large amount of data, mainly accounts, from the Municipal Archive and, to a far lesser extent, the Parish Archive. The sale of different foodstuffs, at the fishmongers, dry fruit shops, legume shops, etc., was the exclusive right of the council, which rented out these premises to private individuals by auction, but strictly set the price for each product. The council gave fine food to illustrious personalities who visited the city, organised festive banquets for different reasons and helped out labourer families during hard times. The article pays particular attention to documenting the arrival and consumption products which came from America, such as...


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How to Cite
Labeaga Mendiola, J. C. (2009). Gastronomía y alimentación en Viana [Gastronomy and food in Viana]. Cuadernos De Etnología Y Etnografía Navarra, (84), 115-143. Retrieved from