Estudio etnológico del hogar en el Valle de Roncal

  • Pablo M. Orduna Portús Diplomado en Estudios Vascos por la Universidad de Navarra y miembro de Etniker, Sección Navarra [Spain]


The work exposed here is conceived like the Diploma of Basque Studies, which will appear before court in the University of Navarre, Pamplona. In order to obtain a good result from the investigation it has been depended on the direction, firmness and suitability of Doctor María Amor Beguiristáin. It has been researched within the population framework of the Valley of Roncal, concretely in the three more northern towns of the shore of the Eska River: Uztárroz, Isaba and Urzainqui. The place is registered in the Merindad of Sangüesa which pertains to the High Navarre. The methodological script has counted with an extensive bibliography, on the zone and the subject, with the documentation of the houses where ethnological surveys have also...


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How to Cite
Orduna Portús, P. M. (2004). Estudio etnológico del hogar en el Valle de Roncal. Cuadernos De Etnología Y Etnografía Navarra, (79), 211-278. Retrieved from