Etxarri-Aranazko leku-izenak

  • José Luis Erdozia Mauleón Ertainetako irakaslea [Spain]


In addition to collecting the toponyms used in Etxarri-Aranatz, the aim of the present study was also to gather documentation about these and to explain, in most cases, their origin and/or meaning. Although the different collections and studies of toponyms already carried out were used, the main objective in terms of both the quantity and transcription of these was to try to
reflect the forms now in use. The present study, therefore, collects the Etxarri-Aranatz’ place names and tries to explain how they are used in the year 2000. This is, however, a collection which can be described as both specific and complete, given that the knowledge of the sources has been contrasted with that of a great many other local “experts”.


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How to Cite
Erdozia Mauleón, J. L. (2001). Etxarri-Aranazko leku-izenak. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (88), 441-484.