Olaizko euskal eskuizkribuak

  • Koldo Artola Donostiako ARANZADI Zientzi Elkarteko Etnografi Sailekoa [Spain]


In this work we have tried to identify, through the dialectal analysis of several manuscripts found in Olaitz (Olaibar, Navarre), whether the characteristics of the dialects contained in the same conform with those distinctive and particular of that area (qualified by prince L. L. Bonaparte as Olaibar variety), comprising not only the Olaibar Valley itself, but also the valleys of Odieta and Ezkabarte and the town of Villava. The result has been negative: some manuscripts are obviously alien and others contain the peculiar characteristics of the dialect but not sufficiently so to enable us to consider them as truly belonging to that language. Anyway, the analysis has provided the opportunity to comment on the different details of the dialect of the área.


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How to Cite
Artola, K. (2001). Olaizko euskal eskuizkribuak. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (88), 485-519. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv88.9