Notas sobre la última edición de los Refranes y Sentencias de 1596

  • Gontzal Aldai Estudiante de Doctorado en Lingüística [Spain]


Comments about the latest edition of Refranes y Sentencias de 1596 (Sayings and Sentences from 1596) (J. A. Lakarra edition (1996)) are made in this article. The article goes on to underline the worth of Lakarra’s work for the truths it contains and the completeness of its nature. It then deals with some of the language problems we are confronted with in Refranes y Sentencias, which mainly centre on the forms and meanings of its verbal morphology. It finally highlights the importance of editions of old Basque texts and, in more general terms, historical linguistics, above all for the role they play in explaining present day morphological facts. It defends the posture that studies in diachrony are of great importance due to their explanatory content, given the fact that synchronic morphological oppositions are rarely discreet (as some theories maintain), but rather a continuum best appreciated from an historical perspective.


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How to Cite
Aldai, G. (1999). Notas sobre la última edición de los Refranes y Sentencias de 1596. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (82), 383-392.