Sobre la categoría del acontecimiento en los idiomas, incluido el vasco (I)

  • YU. VI,. ZYTSAR [Russian Federation]


In this paper, the author defines and puts forward the existence of a new grammatical category: event. This category is, within the limits of the verbal field, in opposition to action. Following this theory, language evolution is presented as a perpetual motion from the category of event to the category of action. This category would have been kept in a somewhat less alrered way or would be better perceived in ergative languages. Undoubtedly, for a present-day speaker's consciousness, the verb only expresses action, being event something which has banished under several layers of evolution. So, together with the active voice, the authot establishes the existence of another voice which he calls autotive. This would be the voice where events prevail over action in the verbal lexical content.


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How to Cite
ZYTSAR, Y. V. (1994). Sobre la categoría del acontecimiento en los idiomas, incluido el vasco (I). Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (67), 387-394.