Tratado de métrica vasca (1872)

  • Patxi Altuna Profesor Catedrático de Literatura Vasca, Univ. de Deusto [Spain]


In this unpublished manuscript the jesuit father José Ignacio Arana from Azcoitia, who died in Oña in 1896, wants to analize the roots of Basque Poetry metrics. He was well-konwn as an expert in Basque studies, and was closely related to the most relevant figures of Basque culture in his century: Prince Bonaparte, Duvoisin, Sabino de Arana (especially with the former two because of his exile in Poyanne). A versifier himself, if not a poet, and author of many compositions, it is not surprising that he deeply loved basque poetry and was an expert of great erudition as we can see through all the authors he quotes (more than 25).


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How to Cite
Altuna, P. (1992). Tratado de métrica vasca (1872) . Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (59), 119-164.